About Grumpy
WHY am I a grumpy old fart? I’m not telling. But here’s a little bit about me and what I do.
more...…of a Grumpy Old Fart. Thoughts and experiences in technology, leadership, wellness, agility, and woodworking. In no particular order.
Thoughts and experiences in technology, leadership, agility, and woodworking. In no particular order. By a Grumpy Old Fart.
Want to help Grumpy out? Buy him a coffee, or send him a gift!
WHY am I a grumpy old fart? I’m not telling. But here’s a little bit about me and what I do.
more...If you’re not hiring to EXTEND your culture, you’re doing it wrong.
more...Today is a real FML day.
more...Speak softly, speak last. You might learn something.
more...I don’t want to change the world. But if I can make just a tiny part of it a tiny bit better, that’ll do.
more...I’m getting too fat, too lazy, and too complacent. Time to change.
more...Do. Or do not. There is no try.
more...It’s nice to be more important.
It’s more important to be nice.
Why I don’t know my own passwords.
more...Sorry, my crystal ball is in for repairs at the moment. But I’ll make a couple of predictions anyway.
more...Want a designed-secure, COVID-safe way to commute with your goodies?
more...A no-nonsense workhorse.